With the influence of the Irish language, through its many nuances and capacity for lyrical, poetic displays, we seek to both honour and resist. To play tribute to the untranslatable complexities of our culture and to resist the commodification of the modern world, which constantly seeks to flatten and define, to categorise for easy legibility. There is no “room” for the strange, open ended gestures found in Irish folklore. Revisiting the ambiguity, strangeness and wonder of our past may allow for deeper connections to be forged with our roots and with each other.
The show takes place in an old Georgian building which has been recently redecorated to cover up its history. The cream and auburn tiles have been covered up by blistered, cracked, white paint yet the leaks, dampness and lack of ventilation still remains. These renovation attempts have a paradoxical effect of exacerbating the decay and disuse of the building's spaces.
The excess of space in a contemporary epoch informs the vast sameness of offices, commercial spaces and public spaces. Spaces for cultural empowerment and personal development are swallowed up by the sterilisation of public spaces in a hypermodern era - creating an uncanny feeling.